Flat Fees for Trademark Lawyer Services | Flat Fee Trademark Law Firm

Flat Fees For Trademark Attorney Services - 2024

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Type of Trademark Attorney Service Flat Fees Sample Trademark Packages
Trademark Clearing Searches Trademark Package Level I ($850): Trademark Application Only ($600 Attorney Fee + $250 USPTO Fee/One Class of Goods)




Trademark Package Level II ($1,650): Level I (Application) + USPTO Trademark Search and Registrability Opinion




Trademark Package Level III ($2,250): Level I (Application) + Comprehensive Trademark Search and Registrability Opinion
Word Trademark Search - USPTO Only, Review of Results and USPTO Registrability Opinion Flat Fee:
Word Trademark Search - US Comprehensive [USPTO, 50 US states, US common law, domains names (.com, .net, .org)], Review of USPTO Results ONLY and USPTO Registrability Opinion Flat Fee:
Word Trademark Search - International [World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)], NO REVIEW, NO Opinion. Flat Fee:
Design/Logo Trademark Search [USPTO Only] Review of Results and Registrability Opinion. Flat Fee:
Trademark Application
USPTO Application Preparation and Filing With Prior/Preliminary Review and Feedback Regarding: descriptiveness, mark drawing, description of goods/services, and filing basis/specimen/use in commerce. Flat Fee: $600 / one app.
USPTO Fee Example: $250 / one class
Trademark Prosecution
"Statement of Use" Preparation and Filing; includes preliminary review of specimen and assessment of the likelihood that it will be accepted by USPTO. Flat Fee: $350 +
USPTO Fee: $100
"Office Action" Response: Review of the Office Action's Content, Advice Regarding Response Options, Preparation and Filing of Response. The Fee Depends on the Complexity of the Issues Addressed by the Office Action. Send Us your Office Action for a Firm Quote. Flat Fee Examples:
$550+ for minor issues; $1,100+ for likelihood of confusion issues
TTAB Appeals. Contact us for a Firm Quote. Flat Fee:
$2,500+ (Initial Trademark Attorney Retainer)
Opposition to Trademark Registration. Contact us s for a Firm Quote. Flat Fee:
$2,500+ (Initial Trademark Attorney Retainer)
Petition For Trademark Registration Cancellation. Contact us for a Firm Quote. Flat Fee:
$2,500+ (Initial Trademark Attorney Retainer)
Other Trademark Services
Trademark Licensing Agreement. Flat Fee:
Trademark Infringement Opinion. Flat Fee:
Trademark Litigation: E.g., Review the facts and send a Cease and Desist Letter, etc. Flat Fee:
$1,200+; Hourly Fees